The following definitions apply in these terms and conditions:
Registered Office Address:
Ambachtsweg 6
1474HW Oosthuizen
The Netherlands
Dutch CoC-number (KvK): 52343065
Dutch VAT-ID: NL850404022B01
a. The office address of the trader’s business location where the consumer can lodge complaints;
b. The conditions under which the consumer can make use of the right of withdrawal and the method for doing so, or a clear statement
relating to preclusion from the right of withdrawal;
c. Information on guarantees and existing after-sales service;
d. The price, including all taxes on the product, service or digital content; the costs of delivery insofar as applicable, and the method of
payment, delivery or implementing the distance contract;
e. The requirements for terminating the contract, if the duration of the contract exceeds one year or if it is indefinite;
f. If the consumer has a right of withdrawal, the model form for right of withdrawal.
Please note: digital vouchers are excluded from the right of withdrawal. See Article 10 below.
Upon delivery of products
a. If the consumer has ordered several products: the day on which the consumer, or a third party
Designated by the consumer, received the last product. The trader may refuse a single order for several products with different delivery dates, provided he clearly informed the consumer of this prior to the ordering process.
a. With contracts for the regular delivery of products during a given period: the day on which the consumer, or a third party designated by the
consumer, received the last product.
a. The trader did not provide the consumer with the statutorily obligatory information about the right of withdrawal, the costs payable in the
event of withdrawal or the model form for right of withdrawal, or:
b. The consumer did not explicitly ask about the commencement of implementing the service or the delivery of gas, water, electricity or city
central heating during the period of withdrawal.
a. Prior to delivery, he did not explicitly agree to commencing fulfilment of the contract before the end of the period of withdrawal;
b. He did not acknowledge having lost his right of withdrawal upon granting his permission; or
c. The trader neglected to confirm this statement made by the consumer.
The trader can preclude the right of withdrawal for the following products and services, but only if the trader stated this clearly when making the offer, or at least in good time prior to conclusion of the contract:
a. The delivery commenced with the consumer's explicit prior agreement, and
b. The consumer declared that this implied his having lost his right of withdrawal.
Please note: both abovementioned preconditions have been incorporated in the check-out process.
a. They are the result of statutory regulations or stipulations; or
b. The consumer is authorized to terminate the contract on the day on which the price increase takes effect.
a. Terminate them at all times and not be limited to termination at a specific time or during a specific period;
b. Terminate them in the same way as that in which they were concluded;
c. Always terminate them subject to the same period of notice as that stipulated for the trader.
Additional stipulations or stipulations that differ from these general terms and conditions, may not be detrimental to the consumer and should be recorded in writing, or in such a way that consumers can store them in a readily accessible manner on a durable medium.
Expiry date
a. GIFTCARDS GROUP BV reserves the right to block CGC in the event of suspicions of reduced creditworthiness of business customers or if a payment term is exceeded.
Non-immediate payment
Other provisions
(This form should only be completed and returned if you want to withdraw from the contract)
We exercise our right of withdrawal.