Magzter Gift Cards
Magzter Gift Cards

Magzter Gift Cards

  • Valid for one year after subscription date

  • Access thousands of magazines with the Magzter Gift Card

  • Start enjoying the convenience of digital reading

Which amount would you like to put on the card?

Delivery method



  • Pay safely & securely

  • No service fee or additional charges

  • Official reseller of premium gift cards

  • Customer service available by phone & email

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Does your special someone love to devour books, magazines and articles at breakneck speeds? Then, Magzter Inc. has got them covered! With a Magzter gift card, your lucky recipients can read thousands of magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages on their smartphone or tablet. Order now on!

Frequently asked questions

How long do Magzter Gift Cards last?

The Magzter Gift Card is valid for one year from the date of purchase.

How can I redeem the Magzter Gift Card?

Redeeming the Magzter Gift Card is easy. You just head for the Magzter website, browse the thousands of publications and redeem the card on the Redeem page of the site. 

What is Magzter?

Magzter is a global digital magazine newsstand that offers users access to thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world.

How can I check the balance of the Magzter Gift Card?

To check your Magzter Gift Card balance, log in to your account and visit the "Check Balance" section, or contact customer support.


If you love reading magazines and newspapers but hate going out and buying them every time a new issue comes out, Magzter is the perfect solution for you! With Magzter, you can have instant access to all of your favourite publications no matter where you are in the world. Best of all, you don't even have to leave your house to get them! With just a few clicks, you can be reading the latest issue of your favorite publication, whether you're relaxing at home or enjoying a long commute. Thanks to cutting-edge technology and commitment to customer satisfaction, Magzter is quickly becoming the preferred digital newsstand for publishers and readers alike. Get a Magzter gift card today and start enjoying the convenience of digital reading!

Magzter gift cards are an excellent present for the lectiophile in your life! With a Magzter gift card, recipients can indulge their passion for reading from a huge range of titles. Whether they're a golf lover or a technophile, there's sure to be a title that they'll love. Gardeners will appreciate titles like Homes & Garden, while news junkies will love The Guardian or Daily Express. For those who prefer something a little more light-hearted, there's always titles like Pick Me Up or Chat. Ready to start gifting? Just load a gift card with  £9.99, and you’ll know you’ve done their heart good. All cards are sent as e-vouchers, so your recipients can start reading right away!